Monday, January 22, 2007

Congrats to Jeff and Mary

Congrats to Jeff Philips and Mary Boyd on their engagement :). Rumor has it the wedding won't be until Summer of '08.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Christmas Visit (and people report)

Janel and I had a busy and fun filled trip back to Chicago for Christmas. We got a chance to catch up with many of the people that we were hoping to get a chance to see, friends and family alike. My webpage went down around Christmas, so I never took the time to write a proper blog posting. I will do my best to write something short up here. Most of this will not be a report of what we did (it is really not that exciting) ... but instead I will use this as a chance to talk about what everyone that we visited is up to.

Janel and I got in on the 23rd after some fun airport delays. I suppose this is something that we should get used to :). We grabbed a beer in the evening on the 23rd with JeffP, TomS, ChrisP, & MaryB. It was good to see them all -- especially Tom since we had not seen him for a long time. Everyone seems to be doing really well. Jeff is working at a political campaign company (right up his alley), Chris is back at his old job ... but doing some more interested work this time around (and enjoying it). Tom and Mary are both in grad school (cringe).

We spent the 24th and 25th with our families ... running back and forth so that we got a chance to see everyone. Not much to report here.

On the 26th we helped take down Christmas decorations, and then went to ChrisP's bday party downtown @ Jeff's apartment. We had some pizza and beer downtown, and then went back to the apartment to socialize. Some highlights from the night include watching Tom's video about him deciding to become a priest (which he ultimately decided against) and catching up with Bober and ScottC.

On the 27th during the day we went downtown and met up with Tuan, Cindy, Charles, and Vy (and Calvin). Cindy is down at school at UIUC, and Tuan is living with her and working on his photography (he gave us a really nice photo of a butterfly which you can see in our living room if you ever come out to visit). Charles and Vy are both working while raising Calvin who is a little less than 2 years old.

On the 28th we took it easy :).

On the 29th we went to a little party @ Megan's place downtown. She (they) have a really nice place down there. It was an amusing little party ... I think like almost everyone there was engaged to be married sometime in the next year or so. Megan is doing much better with her new job (much less stress and work) and Trev is chugging through year 2 of law school. He will be up in Chicago this summer for an internship (and then the wedding and honeymoon).

On the 30th we spent the day with Ro and her boyfriend Steve. We had lunch and had coffee with them. That evening we picked up Katie, Hamish, and LauraG and went over to Ro's house. Ro is down working in Miami on an internship for school. She should be finishing up with that this summer, and plans to move back to the Chicago area. Steve works for Accenture, but is applying to Law School. Katie and Hamish are engaged (if you did not already know). Laura is still going to grad school to become a High School French teacher, and should be finishing up in another year or so. At the time she was single (and we spent a lot of time discussing how would be best for her to pick up a certain guy) ... but she now has a new boyfriend :).

On the 31st we flew back home and went to a New Years party @ Nick's house. It was a good time ... but we were both pretty burned out and called it a night shortly after 12.