Friday, April 30, 2010

Ultrasound Photos

Here are a couple of our ultrasound photos ...

Arms and Legs
From ultrasound 1

From ultrasound 1

Thursday, April 29, 2010

It's A Girl!

We had our 19 week ultrasound last night. It's a girl. We are looking at a due date of Sept 21st.

I have some more ultrasound photos to post. Hopefully I will find some time to scan them before I head to South Carolina this weekend.

For those of you who do not know ... ultrasounds take a LONG time (like 45 minutes). I expected it to be over and done in like 15 minutes. They take a ton of photos of all sorts of stuff that all look like strange blobs.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Falls Creek Falls

We went up to Falls Creek Falls in WA for the first part of Julien's bachelor party. The falls there were gigantic and well worth the long drive up from Portland. The hike to the falls was pretty short and easy. We also climbed up on top of the falls. This was a bit more difficult, but nothing particularly challenging. However, the views were not particularly exciting, but we made it worth our while by screwing around in the snow :).

Here is a photo of Falls Creek Falls itself:
Falls Creek Falls
1.3s @ f/22, 12mm, ISO 100
From Falls Creek Falls

Afterwards we went to Walking Man brewery in Stevenson, WA. I had heard good things about the place, but none of us were particularly impressed. There was a lot of beer options, but it was nothing all that exciting. The pizza was pretty crappy (but, I am a pizza snob, and am never impressed by anything more than 150mi outside of Chicago).