Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fantasy Football

We are getting our fantasy football league together. This is not a serious league (no money involved), but we are looking for people who will actually try (that means spending ~5-10 minutes every Friday making sure your players that are injured and on bye weeks are subbed out). We do have a live draft (but you are welcome to try your luck with auto draft).

If you are interested in playing, email me.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Google Analytics and Picasaweb

Looks like Picasaweb (where I keep my photos) recently started to support integration into Google Analytics. Analytics is a free tool for monitoring your webpage stats. This is a handy way to watch the popularity of your photos (if you are in to that sort of thing). Instructions can be found here (it is easy).

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Last Vacation Before Kids

Janel and I took a 3-day weekend out to the coast for a little break before our daughter arrives. We stayed in a little hotel in Depoe Bay (Inn at the Arch Rock) which was okay. Friday we drove down to the coast and took it easy ... reading, napping, etc. The weather was so-so.

Saturday morning we drove down to Newport and visited the aquarium which we both enjoyed. Definitely a good place to bring the kids in a few years.

Here is a photo of a puffin getting ready to take off with his mouth full.

A jelly fish:

For lunch we ate at "Local Ocean Seafoods". Highly Recommended.

Janel and the bridge in Newport. She is getting pretty big ...

That afternoon the clouds came in so we took it easy. I took advantage of the soft light to take some flower photos.

And a flower shot from outside our hotel room.

You can see all the photos here. Reminder: You can now click on the photos above to see them full screen (this only works so-so for those of you reading in facebook and not on my webpage).

Baby Shower

Anna and Michelle threw Janel a baby shower. Janel's parents were in town, which was nice timing. I was forced to attend this typically all-female event :) and was relegated to photographer. Along with Michelle, Anna, and Janel's parents, we had Kendra, Kim, Katherine, Lynn, and Rachel.

All the photos can be downloaded here.

Note: You can now click on my photos and get a full-screen image instead of getting sent to Picasa.

Janel and her parents playing the "guess how big Janel's waist is" game.

People guessing what kind of "poop" (melted candy bars) is in the diapers.

Me with the clothes that I am rumored to have come home from the hospital in.