Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Birth Photos!

I have gone through most of my photos now I think. I only took ~140!

You can go here to see 13 of our favorites. I have another "private" album, so if you want to see more photos you can me an email and I will send you a link.

Here are a couple:

Our new family (just a minute or two after birth thanks to one of our many wonderful nurses):

One of Clara:

Clara and Janel:

Clara and Ian:


We are now home from the hospital (finally). Everyone is pretty wiped out. I will probably be catching up on emails and my photos tomorrow (assuming I get some sleep tonight).

Clara is doing great. No excitement so far. :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Clara Faye Steiner

Our first child was born today @ 9:33am after Janel was in labor for ~30 hours (ugh). She weighed in at 7 lbs. 5 oz. and was 20.5 inches in length. Everyone is in good shape, but tired.

I have some photos posted here with many more to come :).

Monday, September 6, 2010

Kendra and Jim get Married

Our friends Kendra and Jim got married yesterday in Troutdale, OR. Congrats to them! I got to play with my new 35mm Prime Lens :). Here is one as they were walking down the aisle after the wedding was over.

You can see all the photots (just a few) here.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Pig Roast

Last weekend Allen attempted a Pig Roast. A good time was had by all despite the fact that the pig did not cook quite as well as we had hoped.

So, how did this work?

Allen dug a big pit in his backyard. Saturday evening they built up a huge fire in the pit at about 3:00AM. Allen had a ton of wood from cutting down some large trees in his yard. They then threw a bunch of lava rock on top the fire (which were intended to hold the heat). Then, in went the pig (wrapped in a burlap sack and banana leaves). Then went a tarp, followed by filling in the rest of the hole with dirt. The goal is to slow-cook the pig.

Here is the pit around 3:00PM the next day (yes, 12 hours later):

Pulling the pig out.

Uh oh ... looks a bit undercooked.

Luckily the other side (which has rested on the coals/rocks) was in better shape.

The undercooked meat was thrown on the grill. Here is Allen battling it out with the head.

Next time around Allen is going to try and get the pig buried in the hot rocks rather than just resting on it. We will see how round 2 goes.

For more pictures, go here.