Tuesday, December 28, 2010


We stayed in Portland (for the first time) this year. We missed seeing our family, but had a great time spending time with a number of our friends (who also decided to avoid travel).

We spent Christmas Eve at the Horihans. Jason put together an excellent Duck. So much better than Turkey!!

Here is a photo with Clara and Jagan.

We hosted Christmas at our place with help from Julien, Michelle, and Michelle's mom. Julien took the lead on cooking, and we had quite the spread. Foie Gras, Oysters (raw and cooked) that we shucked ourselves, veggies, cheese, Goose, Squash Soup, Tandori Chicken, Sweet Potatoes, and lots of wine and cookies.

Here is a photo of the oysters:

Clara also had lots of fun this month. Her neck is now strong enough to put her in the "Jumperoo":

And one of her sitting amongst her presents under the tree:

I also took some videos of Clara. Here is one of her in the jumperoo:

You can see all the photos on my picasa page here.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


We decided to take some photos of giving Clara a bath. I avoided any embarrassing ones, as that drove me crazy when I was a little kid :).

Getting ready

During the bath

Getting out

Drying off

You can see all the photos here.

Family Photo

We took some photos as a family. Here are a couple: