Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chicago Visit - Post 1/2

Clara, Janel, and I went to Chicago to spend some time with the families. This was the first time that most of our family had a chance to meet Clara. Janel is still in Chicago for a few more days, taking more photos with "her" new camera -- a Canon S95. Most of the photos so far are with my family. Janel will be getting more with her side of the family.

You can see all the photos here.

There are a lot of great shots with Clara and our various relatives, so I am just going to pick a few from my side of the family (and do Janel's in post #2)

Clara and Grandpa Steiner:

Clara with Grandma Steiner:

Clara with Aunt Erin:

Clara with Great Grandma and Grandpa Steiner:

Clara with Great Grandpa Z:

And a funny one with Clara in a hat:

Playing w/ Feet and Getting in the High Chair

Clara has learned a couple new tricks of late: (1) playing with her feet and (2) sitting in the high chair. She is not yet eating "regular" food, but we suspect those days are going to be here shortly. You can see all the photos in her 4 month gallery.

One of her playing with her feet:

And one in the high chair chomping on a green pepper (and not sure what to think of it):

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sain's wedding & a new blanket

We went down to the Bay Area for Sain's wedding at the end of January. It was a great wedding and Clara held up pretty well on her first big trip out of town (for the most part at least). You can see some of the photos here.

Photo of Sain and Clara:

My cousin Lindsey also made Clara a nice blanket. Below are a couple with Clara enjoying her new acquisition (you can see the rest of the photos in the 4 month album).

I really like this one because it shows Clara's new favorite thing -- her two fingers on her right hand. No more pacifiers for her!