Sunday, February 19, 2012

Been a while ...

I have been debating quitting my blog, but have decided to try and keep it alive. I probably won't post as much as I have in the past, but do still plan to do periodic updates on what's up.

So what's new since my last post? Well, Clara has gone from learning how to stand to running all over the place. She is still staying in her crib luckily, but otherwise she is a force to be reconned with. She is learning how to speak, although most of the things that she says are only understood by Janel and I. "Up" was her first word (other than Mama, Papa, Dada, etc). It sounds identical to "Help" now, and you can only tell the difference because she sticks her arms up in the air when she says "up". Her most recent word is "hammer" (we really need to get her a tool set so that she stops running off with my stuff when I am trying to do house work). Clara has 8 front teeth and 4 molars, and is working on her first canine. She also had her first real fever a couple weeks ago (she has been a really healthy baby). Still hates milk, but loves to eat cheese and other dairy. Bed time is ~7pm, and if you wait too long she starts to get cranky and repeats over and over again "nigh-nigh" until you take her upstairs. She usually sleeps through the night for ~12-13 hours ... man I hope that lasts. She dropped nap #2 around 13 months, which has really openned up our flexibility.

We had the downstairs painted. We also got rid of the guest bedroom furnature and we repainted that room. It has made a world of difference. I really want to get our bedroom, the office, and the laundry room painted now ... but spring is just around the corner and we will have lots of outdoors chores to keep us busy.

Lots of new photos are up and posted at picasa. I am not going to bother to link to them all here, as it is easier to just hop over there and see what's up. We went to the zoo today, so here is a random photo from there: