Monday, November 27, 2006

What happened to November?

So I realized that I have not made an update for the whole month of November. I am still alive, but have been pretty busy this month doing things that were not really all that exciting (from a website perspective at least).

I visited my parents the weekend before my Birthday. It was great getting to see them and my grandparents again. I last saw my parents in August when they were out for a visit, and had not seen my grandparents since the wedding. I also got chance to see Janel's parents, and spent some time with Jeff P, Mary B, Megan, and Trev. I was only in town for a few nights, so it was more intended to be a family visit than a friends visit. I will be sure to catch up with everyone when Janel and I are home for a week around Christmas.

We did Thanksgiving at home here in Portland with Allen and Apurva. The four of us had an 8 lb ham and 11 lb turkey (along with the other traditional fixings). Needless to say, we failed to eat it all. With the exception of going out to get "big sushi" at our favorite sushi place, Saburo's, on Saturday night, we have been eating ham for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Luckily tonight I ate the last of it :).

Janel and I decided that we are going to take a trip to Norway this summer. The plan was originally to go to New Zealand, but we decided we did not really want to go there since it is the winter there that time of year. It is a great time if you are a skiing enthusiast, but that is not really our thing. So, we changed our minds and decided to hit up Norway instead. We have not worked out all the details yet ... but are already cringing at the price :). Oh well ... worst case we will have to push out our home purchase another year. We are not really in the mood to be home-owners yet anyway.

Now we just have to make the push towards Christmas. Things are actually at a somewhat slow point for me at work. That does not mean that I don't have plenty to do :) ... just that my giant to-do list is starting to get smaller rather than larger in preparation for me transitioning over to some new projects. After the new year that trend will probably flip :).

Janel is doing well at school ... although she is looking forward to finals and a few weeks break. Can't say too much in case her students find this page :).

If you are going to be around Chicago for Christmas let me know ... hopefully we can grab a beer or coffee or lunch sometime in the week between Christmas and New Years.

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