Sunday, February 25, 2007

Mt Hood - Trip #2

We made a trip up to Mt. Hood for some skiing and snow showing over the weekend of Feb 23rd. We had a big group ... Ian, Allen, Tyler, and then a whole bunch of girls :P.

Below is a picture of the cabin that we rented. It was a nice place, but was supposed to have like 7 beds ... but the 7 included a midget bed and a hideaway. Oh well ... Janel and I got to stay in the nice bedroom cause we organized the trip :).

Eight of us drove up Friday afternoon/evening after work. Luckily the weather was nice, and we did not have to put chains on until the road that went up from Government Camp to our cabin. This was especially lucky because we never figured out how to work Allen's strange chains right :P.

Saturday Kendra, Janel and I went snow shoeing together. It was Kendra's first time ... so we took it easy and just did the "Cross-Town" trail near Government Camp. This was also nice because we did not have to drive anywhere from the cabin.

After we got back (while the rest of our friends were out snowboarding @ Timberline), Janel and Kendra and I built a snow man and just played around in the four feet of snow that was surrounding our cabin. It was fun and relaxing to just screw around in the snow :).

That night we had a BBQ with a little portable grill that I picked up ... and then proceeded to have some drinks and play Catch Phrase. Kendra is really bad.

Sunday everyone went snow shoeing on the Twin Lakes trail. It is a pretty uneventful trail -- but we had a good time throwing snow balls at each other.

It was a fun trip ... and we will be making another one next winter. We will probably go to the Sister's instead just to mix things up a bit.

You can see all our pictures here.

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