Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Shoulder Update

Things are going well with my shoulder. I am actually typing this post with both hands (although it is a bit hard since I don't have all my feeling back in all my fingers). I started PT today and had my first post-surgery update and all is going well.

Here is a photo of me right after getting home. You can see my "pain pump" which provided local anesthetic for the first 3 days. As you can tell I was pretty loaded on meds.

From shoulder surgery

Here is a photo of my shoulder after 4 days (after taking off the dressing protecting it). I would not let Janel take a photo of where the pain pump went in.

From shoulder surgery

Here is a photo of two of the three holes that they made to go in after ~1.5 weeks. Looks pretty uneventful! :)

From shoulder surgery


sainueng said...

Wow, definitely a lot less invasive than mine. :p I have like a 3 inch cut/scar.

Unknown said...

Re: Sain

Yeah ... the arthroscopic stuff is pretty amazing. I am actually kinda disappointed it is not going to leave a more impressive scar :P.