Sunday, August 9, 2009

Vancouver Island

Janel and I went up to Vancouer Island to visit my parents on our way to our vacation at the Canadian Rockies. It was a good start to our vacation.

We left after the BBQ (at work) on Friday and headed up to Port Angeles where we stayed the night. The ferry times are kinda crappy, and we did not know if we could catch the 8:20 or not. We stayed at the Day's Inn, and it was pretty crappy. They had one of the oldest TV's I have seen in years.

The next morning we got up and took the early ferry across to Victoria. We quickly left Victoria and headed towards the coast. My parents had a cabin on the straight a ways down (maybe 20 minutes past Sooke). The resort was called "Point-no-Point". It had cute little cabins with hot tubs on their decks facing the water, as well as a good restaurant and some private trails and beach space. I would definitely recommend it (although it is a bit of a drive from Portland).

Here is a photo of one of the beaches that had a little sitting area with a fire pit.

Point-no-Point Beach House
1/25s at f/16, ISO 100, 18mm
From Vancouver Island

We relaxed pretty much all day on Saturday, and had a nice dinner at the restaurant. I ducked out early and got some great photos at Sunset. Here is one of them (if you like sunset photos, check out the others). For the record, this is not photoshopped :).

Point-no-Point at Sunset
20s at f/16, ISO 100, 18mm
From Vancouver Island

The next day we drove out to the corner of the island where the straight meets the ocean and did a quick 3 mile hike called the Botanical Loop. The Botany Bay was weak. There were some tide pools, but nothing to compare with what we have on the Oregon Coast. Botanical Beach was another story. There were a couple of whales feeding just off the coast. Sadly I did not have my telephoto lens with me, but I still got a couple decent shots.

Whales off Botanical Beach
1/60s at f/10, ISO 100, 55mm
From Vancouver Island

That night we enjoyed another nice dinner and had a fire back at the cabin.

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