Sunday, September 20, 2009

Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens

The day before my sister's wedding, I went to the Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens near Charlotte, NC. They had a TON of butterflies there.

Black Swallowtail
1/400s @ f/9, ISO 200, 131mm
From Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens

Gulf Fritillary
1/200s @ f/6.3, ISO 400, 154mm
From Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens

Painted Lady
1/250s @ f/10, ISO 400, 171mm
From Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens

1/125s @ f/10, ISO 400, 154mm
From Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens

1 comment:

sainueng said...

Wait, you went to NC, then Chicago, then back in one weekend? Dang, that's a lot of flying...