Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mt Hood Camping

We attempted Clara's second camping trip up to the Lost Creek campground near Mt Hood with Melvin, Michelle, Julien, and Avinash. Despite the fact that both nights we were out there Clara freaked out and had to be taken to our "backup plan" (a crappy hotel ~15 minutes away) it was a fun time.

Saturday Janel, Clara, and I went hiking with Michelle and Julien up to Mirror Lake. Melvin and Avinash attempted another more challenging hike. The weather was great, and Clara enjoyed the relatively easy 3 mile hike. There were plenty of dogs for her to screech at.

Here is a photo of Mt Hood from our lunch spot:

Ian, Janel, and Clara at Mirror Lake (courtesy of Julien):

Michelle and Julien:

After Mirror Lake we brought Clara back to camp for her nap. Julien and Janel hung around camp while Michelle and I hammered out Ramona Falls (the 8 mile hike was only ~5 minutes from our campground). I carried my tripod the whole in my hands (only brought the baby carrier) only to be rewarded by crappy lighting. Oh well.

Clara enjoyed camping ... except for the part about sleeping at night. Here is one of her enjoying Julien's camelbak:

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