Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day Weekend

We has a nice Memorial Day weekend, despite the fact that our plans to go camping fell through. The weekend turned out to be rather rainy, so all in all I am glad that we ended up canceling our original plans. Friday night we did not have any soccer, so we had Pablo, Jason, and Shelley over for "El noche de paella". Pablo cooked us some delicious paella de pollo (below) and gespacho, and we enjoyed a bit of wine as well.

Saturday we got up early and made a trip up to Washington for a nice hike with Jason and Pablo (see my blog entry below). Saturday evening we had some sushi, and then taught Jason and Pablo how to play Settlers of Catan. If you have not played this game ... you should check it out. We then hit up the Cornelius Pass Road House for some beers (and a Chocolate Shake for Pablo who was having a chocolate craving).

Sunday Janel and I met up with my old friend and roommate Diana, who made a trip up for the weekend from Folsom. It was great to see D again, and to meet some of her friends. We took them to Eagle Creek for a nice hike.

Today was pretty relaxing. We had brunch with Shelley, Jenn, and Lisa, and will be having burgers for dinner with Jason, Pablo, and Shelley.

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