Thursday, June 1, 2006

Alkaline Trio Concert

On Wednesday Janel, Shelley, and I went to see the Alkaline Trio at the Crystal Ballroom. The Draft and The Lawrence Arms openned for them. This was the first concert I had been to in a long long time, and I had a lot of fun. The Draft and Lawrence Arms were okay (although Janel and Shelley really were not into the latter) ... but the Alkaline Trio played one of the longest sets I have ever experienced before. They started out playing their entire first album, Goddammit ... which I really enjoyed. They then played a few songs off of their most recent album (Crimson) ... but not too many, and a few new songs, along with a smattering of others from their various albums. One thing that I thought was strange about the whole experience was the amount of cell phones and gadgets that everyone in the crowd seemed to have. People were texting on these little devices with QWERTY keyboards and camera phones were out in force. Obviously, this was a lot different than what was the standard at the shows that I grew up going to (not to be judgemental ... just interesting how things have changed). I left my camera phone at home :) ... so no pictures to post for this entry. Despite being 25 ... I still enjoy the thrill of the crowd, despite the fact that the people in there with me are starting to look a bit young.

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