Sunday, June 4, 2006


Janel and I decided to keep this weekend simple, as things are going to be pretty packed for the rest of the summer. Friday night we had a couple of fun soccer games early in the evening. Our second game was against some high school kids, which I always enjoy :). Despite the fact that the ball had to be on our side of the field for 75% of the game, we pretty much trounced them 7-3. I had a couple of nice goals (boys are only allowed to score 2 goals in our league), and Janel's shot is really improving as well. Saturday, Jason and Pablo joined us on a trip downtown to the Rose Festival. We went to some carnival on the waterfront. The had some fun looking rides ... but they all cost at least $3.50 ... and I was much too cheap to partake in that. After that we went over to the Saturday Market and wandered around a bit. I saw some nice photography, which reminded me that I have been meaning to buy some more picture frames and get some more photos up. Today we are taking it easy ... need to clean up the place because my parents will be visiting next weekend. The weekend after that we are planning on heading up to Seattle to visit Jenn ... and then we will be off to France.

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