Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A political post??

OK ... I usually don't post about political things ... but I read something that I thought was amusing today. As you may know ... the senate voted to essentially bring the troops home today ... 50-48 ... with almost all the voting going down across party lines. Two Republicans voted for the bill, including one from Oregon. I am glad that I live in a hippy state where our representatives are not afraid to think for themselves. Our state is largely against the war -- Portland recently passed a motion condemning war against Iran (this first such motion in the country) -- and I am glad that our representatives care more about representing the people than mindlessly doing as they are told.

A political post??

OK ... I usually don't post about political things ... but I read something that I thought was amusing today. As you may know ... the senate voted to essentially bring the troops home today ... 50-48 ... with almost all the voting going down across party lines. Two Republicans voted for the bill, including one from Oregon. I am glad that I live in a hippy state where our representatives are not afraid to think for themselves. Our state is largely against the war -- Portland recently passed a motion condemning war against Iran (this first such motion in the country) -- and I am glad that our representatives care more about representing the people than mindlessly doing as they are told.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Injury update and more

My injury appears to be healing pretty well. I had a bit of a setback earlier this week -- I think all the meds I was taking caught up with me and really pissed off my stomach ... but everything seems to be going well now. I am still going to take it pretty easy until I get a chance to go to the doctor and get a physical and some blood work to make sure there is not anything major wrong with me. I doubt there is ... but always good to be careful :).

In other news ... my friend Amy is teaching me to drive stick. My neighbor taught me a bit back in the day ... but it did not go so well. Last night, on the other hand, went really well. I was able to graduate from driving around the empty Mervin's parking lot to driving a bit on some relatively busy streets :) (all in about 30 minutes). Next up will be practicing starting and such on hills. I am learning stick because this summer Janel and I are going to Norway ... and I refuse to pay an extra $500 a week for an automatic rental car :).

Injury update and more

My injury appears to be healing pretty well. I had a bit of a setback earlier this week -- I think all the meds I was taking caught up with me and really pissed off my stomach ... but everything seems to be going well now. I am still going to take it pretty easy until I get a chance to go to the doctor and get a physical and some blood work to make sure there is not anything major wrong with me. I doubt there is ... but always good to be careful :).

In other news ... my friend Amy is teaching me to drive stick. My neighbor taught me a bit back in the day ... but it did not go so well. Last night, on the other hand, went really well. I was able to graduate from driving around the empty Mervin's parking lot to driving a bit on some relatively busy streets :) (all in about 30 minutes). Next up will be practicing starting and such on hills. I am learning stick because this summer Janel and I are going to Norway ... and I refuse to pay an extra $500 a week for an automatic rental car :).

Friday, March 16, 2007

Allen's new blog

Allen Chu just started a blog. Should look a bit familiar :). Check it out here.

Face Plant

I recently joined a health club and started working out again, and I have been trying to get my routine down. On Monday I went to work out at 7pm and before I went ate a couple of fruit smoothies. I figured 32 ounces of fruit would give me sufficient calories to get me through the workout and to dinner afterwards. I was wrong.

I started to feel light headed after the workout, and was heading outside to sit down and get some fresh air when I passed out and face planted on the concrete sidewalk. The paramedics and an ambulance came and had to take me to the hospital. My pulse was in the high 40s and my blood sugar in only the 50s (it is supposed to be around 100). This is why I passed out.

Anyway, they took me to the hospital and brought my blood sugar back up and decided that all was well. My teeth were pretty messed up though. I chipped one of them, and two or three of the others were feeling a bit strange -- like they had partially come out of their sockets. Below is a picture of me after getting back from the hospital. I kept it small to keep the scary-factor down. You can click on it for a zoom.

[url=http://iansteiner.com/gallery2/v/2007/workout_injury/IMG_0184.JPG.html new=false]


Tuesday I went to the dentist to have things checked out. He decided that I needed to get 2 root canals and get crowns put on three of the teeth. So ... Thursday I went in and got a nice double root canal. Now ... root canals are usually painful ... but I have discovered now that they are even worse when your mouth has already recently experienced some trauma.

One key learning from all of this is that dental insurance comonly has a relatively low yearly max (mine is ~$1500). Well ... in the case of accidents, many health plans will also cover dental bills. This is really nice when your estimated dental bills are well over $1500 :).

Oh well ... I am in decent shape now ... and am happy as things could have been a lot worse. The doctors don't think that I will have any scarring ... so I can't complain too much. My face is still looking pretty scary though -- especially when I have neosporin smeared all over the wounds.

Allen's new blog

Allen Chu just started a blog. Should look a bit familiar :). Check it out here.

Face Plant

I recently joined a health club and started working out again, and I have been trying to get my routine down. On Monday I went to work out at 7pm and before I went ate a couple of fruit smoothies. I figured 32 ounces of fruit would give me sufficient calories to get me through the workout and to dinner afterwards. I was wrong.

I started to feel light headed after the workout, and was heading outside to sit down and get some fresh air when I passed out and face planted on the concrete sidewalk. The paramedics and an ambulance came and had to take me to the hospital. My pulse was in the high 40s and my blood sugar in only the 50s (it is supposed to be around 100). This is why I passed out.

Anyway, they took me to the hospital and brought my blood sugar back up and decided that all was well. My teeth were pretty messed up though. I chipped one of them, and two or three of the others were feeling a bit strange -- like they had partially come out of their sockets. Below is a picture of me after getting back from the hospital. I kept it small to keep the scary-factor down. You can click on it for a zoom.

[url=http://www2.iansteiner.com/gallery2/v/2007/workout_injury/IMG_0184.JPG.html new=false]


Tuesday I went to the dentist to have things checked out. He decided that I needed to get 2 root canals and get crowns put on three of the teeth. So ... Thursday I went in and got a nice double root canal. Now ... root canals are usually painful ... but I have discovered now that they are even worse when your mouth has already recently experienced some trauma.

One key learning from all of this is that dental insurance comonly has a relatively low yearly max (mine is ~$1500). Well ... in the case of accidents, many health plans will also cover dental bills. This is really nice when your estimated dental bills are well over $1500 :).

Oh well ... I am in decent shape now ... and am happy as things could have been a lot worse. The doctors don't think that I will have any scarring ... so I can't complain too much. My face is still looking pretty scary though -- especially when I have neosporin smeared all over the wounds.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

New Car and More

After going to India, Israel, and Mt. Hood (see below) ... we have been taking it easy. We bought a new car ... which was pretty exciting. 2007 Honda CR-V EX (Black). It was sorta tough deciding to get an SUV ... but this one is pretty tiny and gets pretty good gas mileage all in all. Four wheel drive is really nice to have for driving up in the mountains, and we thought it would be a useful car for carting things around when we buy our house. Otherwise ... there has not been too much excitement. Megan and Trevor are going to be out here visitting starting next weekend. The winter is quickly coming to an end ... and we are looking forward to being able to do some hiking and maybe a bit of camping and backpacking.

New Car and More

After going to India, Israel, and Mt. Hood (see below) ... we have been taking it easy. We bought a new car ... which was pretty exciting. 2007 Honda CR-V EX (Black). It was sorta tough deciding to get an SUV ... but this one is pretty tiny and gets pretty good gas mileage all in all. Four wheel drive is really nice to have for driving up in the mountains, and we thought it would be a useful car for carting things around when we buy our house. Otherwise ... there has not been too much excitement. Megan and Trevor are going to be out here visitting starting next weekend. The winter is quickly coming to an end ... and we are looking forward to being able to do some hiking and maybe a bit of camping and backpacking.