Friday, March 23, 2007

Injury update and more

My injury appears to be healing pretty well. I had a bit of a setback earlier this week -- I think all the meds I was taking caught up with me and really pissed off my stomach ... but everything seems to be going well now. I am still going to take it pretty easy until I get a chance to go to the doctor and get a physical and some blood work to make sure there is not anything major wrong with me. I doubt there is ... but always good to be careful :).

In other news ... my friend Amy is teaching me to drive stick. My neighbor taught me a bit back in the day ... but it did not go so well. Last night, on the other hand, went really well. I was able to graduate from driving around the empty Mervin's parking lot to driving a bit on some relatively busy streets :) (all in about 30 minutes). Next up will be practicing starting and such on hills. I am learning stick because this summer Janel and I are going to Norway ... and I refuse to pay an extra $500 a week for an automatic rental car :).

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