Sunday, March 6, 2011

New Baby Purchases

A good friend of mine recently announced that he and his wife will be having a baby. I figured I would take some time to write down some suggestions on what to buy and what not to buy. Clara is ~5 months old now, so we have a decent idea of what works and what does not for the first couple months. This does not get into stuff that gets more important down the road (like High Chairs, etc). The goal is to help out with the stuff that you probably want to have when you come home from the hospital.

Amazon Mom

I suggest signing up for Amazon Mom (just google it). Not sure how long the promotion will be available, but for us we got free Amazon Prime (free 2 day shipping) for 3 months. Then you get up to 9 more months free (1 every time you spend $30+ in Amazon Mom). Amazon in general is a great place to get baby stuff (a lot cheaper than Babies R Us and even Target in many cases). Free 2 day shipping makes it even better.

Stroller and Car Seat

You have two options here: "Travel System" or not.

Travel System

I strongly advise against Travel Systems. These contain an infant car seat + base and a stroller that it fits into that can also be used as a "normal" stroller once the baby reaches ~1yr old. These are definitely a good deal ($$) and you can save money going this route. However, they are a real pain. For a whole year, you will be carting around a stroller that holds your infant car seat. It is big and bulky and heavy. The vast majority of people I know that bought one regret it.

Infant Car Seat Stroller Frames

Instead, I suggest getting an infant car seat and an "Infant Car Seat Stroller Frame". These are relatively small and light weight, and definitely get the job done. I personally bought the Graco one because I bought a Graco infant seat (~$60).

Infant Car Seats

For the car seat, we bought a Graco SnugRide 32. Good reviews on Consumer Reports. We went to a car seat installation check (which we would also recommend) and the police officer that checked out our install said that he recommends the SnugRide. Relatively good price and great safety features. The only drawbacks are (1) it is heavy and (2) it takes up a lot of space in the back seat. Definitely make sure it is going to fit in your car before you purchase it. There are a couple of different SnugRide sizes. I would recommend against the 35, but I think both the 32 and the regular one are good. The Chico Keyfit is also highly rated. It did not fit well in the Stroller Frame, so that is why we decided against it.

Do not get one of the "convertible" car seats. These transform from an infant seat into a 1-year old seat. They have poor safety ratings.


These are for holding your baby on your body. Great when you don't want to deal with a stroller (think shopping). Buy one or borrow one from a friend (thanks Lynn!).

Crib, Bassinet, Mattress

We got a crib from a friend (thanks Kim!). It came from Ikea. Just get a simple stable one with no moving parts that you like the look of. Check out Ikea. You definitely want one that you can raise/lower the level of the sleeping surface. It should take some effort though (screw drivers, etc). Recommend against any that quickly transforms.


Recommend against the mattresses at Ikea. They are a bit too soft. You want a HARD mattress for newborns (SIDS risk). Recommend hitting up Babies R Us and talking to someone about their mattresses. The person we talked to was very well informed. Don't get a cheap one, but you also probably don't need the most expensive one either.

Bassinets and Travel Cribs

You have a couple options for how to have your newborn sleep in the first few months (and beyond). First you have to decide if you want them to sleep with you in your room, or if you want them in their own room. You probably will at least want baby sleeping in your room the first week or so (just because you will be too nervous to leave baby alone even if they would be fine).

If you want the baby in your bed with you long term, people suggest a co-sleeper. We don't do this, so we have no advice.

If you think you want your baby in your room but not in your bed, you can use a bassinet for the first month or so. After that, most babies are too big for bassinets. We moved Clara out of our room before she outgrew the bassinet. We don't think you need to buy anything expensive.

If you want your baby out of your room sooner rather than later (like we did), we suggest getting a portable crib that includes a bassinet. We got a Graco Pack N Play. There are a lot of different kinds. We got one of the cheaper ones. This worked fine as a bassinet, but because it is cheap it is also small, and therefore Clara is not really able to use it durin the day very well anymore (now @ ~5 months). I would suggest paying a bit more for a slightly larger one. All the fancy extras are pretty pointless -- you just need somewhere to put the baby.


We suggest just getting some sheets and mattress covers (at least two of each). Bumpers seem rather pointless (and some claim that they are a breathing hazard). Blankets are a waste of time. You can't put them in the crib anyway. They have these fancy bedding sets that are tempting, but I think they are a waste of time.


We bought a mobile (Fisher Price Precious Planet). It's okay. Can't say we love it, but we do use it from time to time.


We did not buy one, although I almost clicked "buy" about 4 nights straight during the first month. After that she started sleeping better and we have not really looked back.

Boppy Pillow

Get one if you are planning to breastfeed. Bring it to the hospital with you. Another option is the "Babies Breast Friend".


Recommend a drying rack. Do not recommend any sort of sanitizer system.

We got some Born Free bottles. The bottles work fine. Our only complaint is that they don't seem to seal all that well. So, if you want to take a bottle on the road, you have the be careful.

Diaper Stuff

We so far are very happy with the Tiddee Didee diaper service. Recommend getting some infant disposable diapers for the first week or so (until the umbilical cord falls off). Start the service once the doctor checks the bellybutton and tells you all or most of the chord is gone. Recommend the Thirsties Duo diaper covers (~$!3 each at Amazon). Get the ones with velcro fasteners at the top (and snaps to adjust the size).

Janel bought some fleece at JoAnne fabrics that she cut into rectangles. We stick it in the diapers at night. It helps keep things dry against the baby's butt. Seems to work well. Definitely don't bother if your baby is still going #2 at night.

Wet Bags

These are little bags that hold used diapers. They are way better than crappy plastic bags. Highly recommend the Kushies On the Go Wet Bags (2 for ~$10 @ Amazon).

Diaper Doubler

These are little inserts that you can stick in the diapers for night time. For a while we were using 2 diapers at the same time. We have bought a couple of these but are yet to try them. Verdict is out. ($8 for 2 @ Amazon)

Changing Table

Table -- Just get something simple and sturdy.

Pad -- find one that fits your table.

Pad Covers -- We like to have a few. We have a "nice" one that covers the pad itself. We have a couple "Carters Super Soft Dot Cover". That is the last layer of defense. You don't need more that 2. On top of that, we have a simple waterproof rectangular changing mat that sits on top of the nice changing pad. That is the primary layer of defense. We have 3 of them. On top of that we keep a cloth diaper. That is the first layer of defense in case they decide to go to the bathroom on the table (which is not uncommon).


There are a few things you definitely want to get for coming home. Don't buy too much other than this though until after you get presents (because you will get a lot).

Miracle Blanket (~$30 @ Amazon): Great for swaddling newborns. Recommend getting 1 or 2. Some babies love them. Clara liked hers for a few weeks, but then got annoyed.

Sleep Sack (~$20 @ Amazon): Your baby should sleep in this after they get sick of a miracle blanket. Get 2. Highly recommended.

White Onesies: Get 3-5 of these for PJs (under the sleep sack). Recommend Carters over Gerber. Long sleeve for colder seasons, short for warmer. I don't think they carry these at Amazon and Target only has Gerber (at least ours only has the gerber ones). You have to go to Babies R Us for Carters.

We also like the one-piece snap-up/zip-up outfits. Most of them have feet, which we prefer, since then you don't have to deal with socks.

Rocking Chair

Janel likes it a lot. You at least need some kind of chair in the room. A rocker is nice. Ours does not recline backwards and that has not bothered us. The foot rest has not been that important. Some people seem to love them, but we rarely use it.


Highly recommend getting a bouncer. These are little reclined chairs that the baby can sit/lay in while you do stuff. We got the Fisher Price Rainforest Bouncer (~$40 at Amazon).

Baby Monitors

We did not get a video monitor. I think that they are more of a toy for the parents (albeit a fun one). We do have a decent audio monitor. We got the Sony 900MHz BabyCall (~$50 at Amazon). The squelch is not adjustable. They are not DECT (encrypted). Audio quality is so-so. If you care about people spying, then get a DECT pair. We do not :). Definitely get a pair with some kind of squelch so that you don't have to listen to white noise.

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