Sunday, May 22, 2011

Haircut, Teeth, and More

Clara turned 8 months old a couple days ago. So, I have wrapped up the 7 month album and started a new 8 month album. Clara is starting to get her first teeth in now and she got her first haircut (too much hair in the eyes and food in the hair). She is still not too interested in crawling, but manages to get around just fine by rolling and scootching. We went on our first hike about a week ago, and are planning to do more now that the nice weather is getting rolling. I also started a separate album that will be home to hiking photos from this year. I also got a little GPS logger that I am going to geotag some of my photos moving forward. Let's dive into some photos:

Clara and Mom at Wahclella Falls:

First tooth coming in:

First Haircut:

Playing in her dress from Grandma:

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