Sunday, April 30, 2006

An Interesting Week ... A Less Interesting Weekend

For those of you who follow the tech industry, this week was a bit interesting at Intel. After mediocre (as expected) earnings during Q2, Intel announced that it planned on trimming some of the fat off of the company. There were no major firings yet (some rumors floating around of course), but instead they plan on evaluating every aspect of the company over the next 90 days to determine how they want to proceed. Currently, we are just in a hiring freeze, in an attempt to reduce numbers through attrition. Ultimately, this is really just the standard in the tech world (and really not all that interesting) ... but it is the first such time period that I have ever experienced ... so it is kind of interesting to me. Luckily I am in a pretty well protected part of the company right now ... so I am not really worried.

This weekend was a lot more low-key than usual. Janel had some teacher's test for a lot of the day on Saturday ... and by the time she got home it was raining ... so we did not get a chance to go on a bike ride (as we had planned). Today we went on a nice 10 mile run (at a nice and slow 12 minute mile pace). My knees are not holding up to the beating too well ... I am hoping they are just getting used to it but we will see. This afternoon we had lunch at the sister-in-law of one of the prof's at UIC that Janel TA'd for. The interesting thing was that it turns out that she is the sister of David Culler (a Prof @ Berkeley in Comp Arch). Small world :).

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